Welcome! I am

Luis Genesius.

An iOS Developer.

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About Me

Hello, my name is Luis Genesius, an iOS Developer and also a computer science student at Bina Nusantara University in Jakarta, Indonesia.

Programming have been my passion from September 2018 when I start studied as a computer science student. Since then, I've experienced several programming languages such as C, C#, Java, Javascript, PHP and currently mainly using Swift to solve problems and develop mobile apps.

In this early 2021, I got a scholarship to do an internship at Apple Developer Academy @ BINUS as an iOS Developer and has developed several apps of which 2 apps have been published to the App Store (Myres and EcoList). Also in this year, I became one of 350 students in the world that won the Apple WWDC 2021 Swift Student Challenge.

Luis Genesius Photo


Apple WWDC 2021 Swift Student Challenge Scholar

On June 1 2021, Apple announced that I was one of the 350 students in the world that won Apple Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) 2021 Swift Student Challenge Scholarship.

I submitted Swift Playground about teaching Unity in Diversity concept to young childrens.
Detail of the Swift Playground project

I also featured in WWDCScholars website.
Here's my profile.

Apple Developer Academy Scholarship

On February 2021, I got scholarship in Apple Developer Academy @ BINUS.

Apple Developer Academy is academy where you learn how to build and develop Apple software. The Apple Developer Academy aims to challenge and inspire students through a multi-disciplinary approach to teaching and learning and daily classes led by Apple-trained instructors who are experts, provide students with the skills and experiences so that graduates from this academy can become a world class professional developer.

IDCamp 2021 Scholarship

On May 2021, I got scholarship in Indosat Ooredoo Digital Camp (IDCamp) also I chose iOS Developer as my main learning path.

IDCamp is a scholarship program from Indosat Ooredoo to produce young Indonesian developers/programmers who are ready to compete in the digital economy where there is 6 main learning paths and iOS Developer is one of them. The IDCamp online training module was developed by Dicoding as Google Authorized Training Partners in Indonesia, in collaboration with Indosat Ooredoo.

Expert Course Certificate
Intermediate Course Certificate
Beginner Course Certificate
Basic Course Certificate

Excellent Achievement in SASC Mentoring Program

On June 17 2020, I got excellent achievement in Student Advisory and Support Center (SASC) Mentoring Program after I work as a scholarship mentor of Binus Student Learning Club in SASC Mentoring Program from September 2019 to January 2020. When I work as a mentor, I help my fellow students to improve their study quality and guide students through mentoring activity.

Here's my certificate

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My Recent Projects


Voila App's Image

Voila is an iOS photo editor app that helps micro & small online business owners to create social media photos easier and better.

Written in Swift and built the iOS app's UI using SwiftUI.
Frameworks used are SwiftUI, UIKit, Combine, Vision, Accelerate, CoreImage, CoreGraphics, Photos, PhotosUI, CoreData, WebKit.
Architecture pattern using MVVM.

  • Publish to Testflight and App Store

  • Built modal of Resize and Remove Background

  • Remove Background using POST API and Vision

  • Set the CoreData models, relationships and the functions

  • Created custom sheet of input color brand and input font brand

  • Built the UI Foundation of Edit Page, Input Brand and Onboarding Page

  • Get stock photo using Unsplash GET API and created custom photo library page

  • Implemented DragGesture, MagnificationGesture, and RotationGesture also the calculations


EcoList App's Image

EcoList is an iOS app that helps users easily create meal plan, integrate shopping list, and track their groceries at home all at once.

Written in Swift and built the iOS app's UI using UIKit with XIB components.
Frameworks used are UIKit, SwiftUI, CoreData, UserNotifications, and WatchConnectivity.
Architecture pattern using MVC in UIKit and MVVM in SwiftUI.

  • Setup Local Notifications

  • Built dynamic height of each cell

  • Built half modality page and present using UIPresentationController

  • Built ScrollView and TableView in Detail Recipe with dynamic height

  • Designed the entity of the Core Data and the relationships between each entity

  • Developed watchOS companion app with SwiftUI and integrate with iOS app using WatchConnectivity


Myres App's Image

Myres is an iOS photo album app but each photo have a story. With this, you can save your personal story easier. Myres also can add new photo from photo library or directly take picture using camera from Myres.

Written in Swift and built the UI using UIKit with Storyboard.
Frameworks used are UIKit, CoreData, AVFoundation, Photos, and PhotosUI.
Architecture pattern using MVC.

  • Publish to the App Store

  • Implemented dark mode

  • Data saved in offline storage using CoreData

  • Image saved in document directory using FileManager

  • Camera using UIImagePicker and get from photo library using PHPicker

  • Implemented responsive UICollectionView in all iPhone devices using auto layout


Pick-A-Pic! App's Image

Pick-A-Pick! is an iOS app to help online shop owner take better photos by providing guidance to understand better lighting and angle as well as better way to organize those photos.

Written in Swift and built the UI using UIKit with Storyboard.
Frameworks used are UIKit, CoreData, CoreMotion, ARKit and RealityKit.
Architecture pattern using HMVC.

  • Implemented dark mode

  • Calculate luminosity to detect light

  • Implemented the logic of the data flow

  • Implemented angle mechanism detection using Core Motion

  • Developed custom camera page using UIKit programmatically and AVFoundation

  • Developed mechanism of select collection view cell and it's action in detail folder page

  • Created the folder page with mechanism of create, update and delete folder to Core Data


Edukata App's Image

Edukata is an iOS application to help dyslesic childrens to improve their reading ability by introducing words. Edukata used multi-sensory method in the form of a game with bright visual color and music to make it more interactive so childrens don't get bored in learning.

Written in Swift and built the UI using UIKit with Storyboard.
Frameworks involved are UIKit, Core Data and AVFoundation.
Architecture pattern using MVC.

  • Implemented Collection View

  • Implemented CABasicAnimation to deliver the hand animation guide

  • Implemented AVSpeechSynthesizer to deliver voice guide and spelling button feature

  • Implemented logic algorithms for the drag and drop check and the navigation of the flashcard

  • Implemented UIDragInteraction and UIDropInteraction to deliver the drag and drop mechanism

Contact Me

Feel free to contact me to talk, ask about anything or just want to say hi. My inbox always open and I will try my best to get back to you!

© 2021 Luis Genesius